Your Eyes

We perform complete and thorough routine and medical eye examinations for people of all ages using a variety of advanced instruments and techniques which make it possible to diagnose conditions both inside and outside the eye.
Drs. Honig, Snyder, and Cassel are board certified ophthalmologists. They have been trained in eye surgery including cataract, lens implant, and laser surgery, as well as the treatment of glaucoma, corneal, and retinal disorders and many other eye problems. Our doctors are also available to give second opinions on cataract surgery, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of other medical and surgical eye problems. The excellent staff and the surgical and laser facilities and equipment at the SurgicCenter of Baltimore in our building, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and the University of Maryland support them in providing total and state of the art eye care to our patients.
Through the expertise of optometrists, patients seeking care with Drs. Honig, Snyder, and Cassel can be fit with contacts for all ages, with all types of eyeglass prescriptions. A board certified optometrist, like Dr. Pinson in our office, specializes in fitting contact lenses for unusual prescriptions for astigmatism, bifocals, and custom-tinted contact lenses. They also have the expertise to diagnose eye conditons and treat certian eye diseases. Optometrists are also skilled at correcting vision with eyeglasses and contact lenses after refractive surgery or when refractive surgery is not an option.
Ms. Rachel Thomas brings years of experience to assist our patients with the selection of stylish and quality eyewear. This has earned her the nickname from our patients as "The Goddess of Glasses. She has extensive experience in the art of dispensing eyeglasses. Besides being able to assist in choosing the right frame style for you, Rachel is expert in fitting progressive bifocals and trifocals. She has the latest in high index materials to make your lenses thinner than any previous generation lenses. Ultraviolet and anti-reflective coating, transition and photo-gray lenses, non-prescription quality sunglasses, and a wide variety of lens tints are also available.
Our doctors perform both routine and medical eye exams. During a routine eye exam, an eye doctor reviews your medical history and completes a series of tests to determine the health of your eyes. The information from an eye exam may lead to prescriptions or medical procedures. Eye examinations should take place periodically.
We recommend the following guidelines:
All children should have their eyes checked by age three. A family history of childhood vision problems, a wandering eye, crossed eyes, or other problems warrant earlier attention.
Before the age of 20, as recommended by a pediatrician or other physician.
Between the ages of 20-40, every five years, unless there are visual changes, pain, flashes of light, new floaters or tearing, or if the eye is injured.
Between the ages of 40-64, every two to four years. Over age 65, every one to two years.
African-Americans and Hispanics are at greater risk for glaucoma, and should have eye examinations every three to five years before the age of 40, and every two years after age 40.
Persons with diabetes and many other systemic medical conditions are at risk for several eye disorders, including diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. These individuals should have eye examinations every year.
Medical eye exams are performed because of an eye complaint or problem that is not due to the need for new glasses or simply with trouble
seeing at distance or at near.
Link for information about eye examinations.
Link for more information about eye examinations.
Link for information about your eyes.
Why is dilation of my eyes an important part of a comprehensive and complete eye examination?
For a complete and comprehensive eye examination, there is really no subsitute for a careful, dilated eye examination by an experienced eyecare specialist. Learn more here and here.
It takes me a minute or two to focus my eyes when I change to look at something off in the distance or try to read. I also notice that after I read for a while my eyes begin to ache and the print blurs and sometimes doubles. Is this normal?
Although these problems can result from dry eyes, often they are caused by weak eye muscles that are having a problem keeping your two eyes lined up properly to give the brain one clear image. If you are experiencing any symptoms like these, especially if your focusing problem is accompanied by intermittent blurred or double vision, then mention it to our doctors. You may need prism in your eyeglasses to improve your eye alignment. Prism is a special kind of lens added to eyeglasses which bends light making it easier for some eyes to focus.
Do you have any suggestions to help me see well in dimly lit places like restaurants?
Carry a small flashlight in your pocket or pocketbook to help you read the menu and to use to shine on the floor when walking in dimly lit rooms.
I like small frames but now I need bifocals. Is there any way to put a progressive no-line bifocal in a small frame?
New progressive lenses, called "short corridor" progressives, are now available that allow us to fit this type of bifocal into the current fashionable smaller frames.
My eyes are often very tired after I read. Is this a sign that I need stronger eyeglasses?
It can be but this is also often a symptom of dry eyes. We suggest that you try artificial tear substitutes that can
be purchased over the counter in the drugstore. These should be used when you are reading and can be placed in the eye as
often as every hour for relief of the symptoms of dry eyes. Not all over-the-counter artificial tears are the same. Chemical additives
and preservatives can sometimes cause irritation and some artificial tears can actually make your eyes feel worse. Look
for those that have no preservatives, "disappearing preservatives", or mild preservatives that have been proven safe. Our
office can make recommendations for you. If you still are having problems after trying this then come
in to have the strength of your eyeglasses checked and to make sure that you do not have any other eye problems.
I sometimes get a patterned distortion or blur in my vision that lasts for several minutes. Is this anything to worry about?
Visual patterns that last minutes to hours, with or without an associated headache, are often a form of migraine.
These can be precipitated by stress, caffeine, or hormonal changes (among other causes). If we find that there isn't an eye related
reason for your symptoms (i.e. bring them into the office first), then you should see your medical doctor if these persist or worsen.
Our practice makes every effort to keep down the cost of medical care. One way we do this is by asking that you pay for all office visits at the time of your service. If you have health insurance coverage then we ask that any co-pay or deductible be paid at time of your office visit or procedure. Please bring your insurance card to all your appointments along with any referrals or authorization forms so that we can promptly file for your service. If you are coming for a ROUTINE EYE EXAM check your health insurance plan carefully to see if you have vision coverage for this type of examination. Not all insurance plans pay for vision services or routine eye examinations. Please help us by understanding your coverage. Our office currently participates with Medicare, Blue Shield (Carefirst) and many other local and national health insurance plans. Call our office or that of your health insurance plan to verify our participation and your eye care benefits.
If you are having financial difficulties, we do not let this stand in the way of your receiving proper medical attention and eye care. We will be glad to speak with you privately and make financial arrangements on an individual basis.