Total Eye Care

Drs. Honig, Snyder, and Cassel, ophthalmologists or medical eye doctors, perform complete and thorough routine and medical eye examinations for people of all ages using a variety of advanced instruments and techniques which make it possible to diagnose conditions both inside and outside the eye.
Information About
Common Eye Conditions
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
Bacterial Keratitis
Conjunctivitis ("Pink Eye")
All pink eyes are not PINK EYE... What do we mean? An eye becomes pink in color when the outside of the eye,
the conjunctiva, becomes inflamed. This is called conjunctivitis. Many disorders or irritants can cause
conjunctivitis leading to an eye that is pink in color such as
a bacterial infection, viral infection, allergy, chemical irritation, contact lens overwear, or dryness.
The dreaded, true "PINK EYE"
that we all fear catching is actually a very contagious viral infection in the eye that is usually watery, scratchy, itchy,
and often is associated with decreased vision, swollen glands in front of your ear or under your jaw,
and a history of a recent viral illness. Therefore, if your eye is pink in color, you may not necessarily
have contagious viral PINK EYE. For all eyes that become uncomfortable and are pink in color
you should see your eye doctor to help you determine the cause and to suggest treatment.
Detached and Torn Retina
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic Retinopathy Videos
Dry Eye
Our Recommended Treatment Approach for Dry Eyes
1. Tear drops - regularly on a daily basis
Link to information about recommended tear drops and ointments.
Link to information about a tear drops for contact lens wearers with dry eyes.
2. Tear ointment - every night at bedtime
3. Tear Spray
4. Increase humidity
5. Fish oil - 1000mg twice a day
6. Treat any blepharitis - at least twice a day with lid hygiene, warm compresses, and antibiotic drops or ointment.
7. Treat any rosacea of the lid margins - as with blepharitis, along with Azasite twice a day and oral antibiotics.
8. Punctal closure
9. Steroid eye drops
10. Restasis
11. Lacriserts
12. Other treatments may also be considered such as glasses to decrease exposure to wind, tarsorraphy, and humidity goggles.
Floaters and Flashes
Glaucoma, known as "the silent thief of vision," unfortunately continues to be a major cause of blindness in the
United States. What is glaucoma? It is damage that occurs to the optic nerve in the back of the eye (the eye's major electrical
connection with the brain). This damage can initially result in loss of side vision and can eventually lead to blindness. Most often
the optic nerve damage in glaucoma results from high pressure in the eye. Several new eye drops for controlling
elevated eye pressure in glaucoma have recently become available. These include Travatan Z and Combigan. Of course, many other "tried and
true" medications continue to be effective in controlling eye pressure, including laser treatments or surgical intervention. As many of you
know, Dr. Ratner in our office is a glaucoma specialist. She has a lot of experience with all of the currently accepted glaucoma treatments
and over the years has helped many people to avoid the serious consequences that can result from this condition. If you have any of the
high risk factors for developing glaucoma (see below) then please see Dr. Ratner as soon as possible for a glaucoma evaluation.
Glaucoma High Risk Factors
Being over fifty-five
Having a family history of glaucoma
Being very nearsighted
Being African-American
Being Native American
Being Hispanic
Facts about Glaucoma
1. 3 million Americans have glaucoma and only half of them know it.
2. Approximately 120,000 are blind from glaucoma, accounting for 9 - 12% of all cases of blindness in the U.S.A.
3. The rate of blindness from glaucoma is between 93 - 126 per 100,000 people over 40.
4. Between 4 and 8 percent of Americans over 40 have elevated intraocular pressure,
putting them at increased risk for open-angle glaucoma. (
5. Once detected, most cases of glaucoma can be controlled with medication or surgery.
Low Vision
Myopia (Nearsightedness)
Presbyopia (Aging Eye)